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                您好,欢迎访问广州⌒ 净曼净化官网!专注洁净▓室工程、无尘室工程和净化工程项目


                发布时间:2020-02-07 15:39:00浏览次数:448 文章来源:广州净曼净化工程
                [导读]: 双人风淋室采用的都是行业最先进的技№术和最高端的配置,所有配置均通过国家专利。该产▃品功能自动化、智能化,材质冷轧钢板烤漆,采用360度旋转●喷嘴联锁控制、彩色七寸液晶触摸式控制、红外线自动感应装置等,有效进行人体净化和防♂空气污染,为企业工@作场地达到严格的无尘净化标准,该产品广泛应用于医药制造、电子、食品等行业。

                  双人风淋室采用的都是行业最先进的技术和最高端的配ξ 置,所有配置均通过国家专利。该产品功能自动化、智能化,材质冷轧钢板烤漆,采用360度旋转喷嘴联锁控制、彩色七寸液晶触摸式控制、红外线自动感应装置等,有效进行人体净化和防空气污染,为企业工作场地达到严格的无尘净化标准,该产品广泛应用于医药制造、电子、食品等行业。

                  特点:彩色七寸触『摸屏控制系统;智能化PLC线路板控制;采用高效过滤器两级过滤系统,风淋〓室使用一定期限后有更换提示;当使用高效过滤器一定程度以后风压变小时智能控制系统会自动检测到它堵塞,显示屏上会出现友情提醒、更〓换高效过滤器;在不使用风淋室功能8个小时候后自动启动灭杀菌功能,杀菌ぷ时间为10分钟;风淋室由全不锈钢制造,内底板配全不锈钢板, 不锈钢喷╲嘴360度旋转;配置自动感应控制系统、专用的照明灯、大风量和低〒噪音的高效离心式风淋室专用风机;有急停装置,当风淋室出现故障的情况下,能迅速切断电源,使风淋室所有的门能够打开,保障使用者的安全。


                  Xiao Yi will introduce you to the double air shower room.

                  The double air shower room adopts the most advanced technology and the most advanced configuration in the industry, all of which are patented by the state. The product features automation, intelligence, cold-rolled steel plate paint material, 360 degree rotary nozzle interlocking control, color seven inch LCD touch control, infrared automatic induction device, etc. It can effectively purify human body and prevent air pollution, and achieve strict dust-free purification standards for enterprise workplaces. The product is widely used. In pharmaceutical manufacturing, electronics, food and other industries.

                  Features: color seven-inch touch screen control system; intelligent PLC circuit board control; high-efficiency filter two-stage filtering system, air shower room use a period of time after the change prompt; when the use of high-efficiency filter to a certain extent after the wind pressure changes hours intelligent control system will automatically detect its blockage, the display will appear friendship. Remind and replace the high efficiency filter; automatically start sterilization function after 8 hours without using the function of the air shower chamber, sterilization time is 10 minutes; the air shower chamber is made of all stainless steel, with all stainless steel plate on the inner floor and 360 degree rotation of stainless steel nozzle; it is equipped with automatic induction control system, special lighting, large air volume and low noise. High-efficiency centrifugal fan for air shower room; with emergency stop device, when the air shower room breaks down, it can quickly cut off the power supply, so that all the doors of the air shower room can be opened to ensure the safety of users.

                免责声明:本网站所提供的信息大部分来◆源互联网,转载出于传〗递更多信息和学习之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其内容的真实性。如文章涉及到版权等问⌒题,请立即致电客服,我们会尽快Ψ 为你处理,以保证您的权益。

                标题:双人风淋室介绍 本文网址:/hyxw/4.html


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